Why Learn Spanish?

Spanish is the 4
th most spoken language in the world with approximately 548 million speakers (Berltiz, 2023).

And you can be one too! Here are a few reasons why you should learn Spanish as a 7th grader:

Spanish is Fun!

I am not kidding. Some people enjoy being able to speak another language. There is some sort of thrill and accomplishment associated with being able to understand other people and the same emotion is felt when that person is understood. Learning Spanish allows you to understand other people and therefore, connect with them. 

Learning Spanish Makes You Marketable

By the end of high school, you’ll be ready to embark on your career. You may want to attend university and/or start working. Employers love hiring persons who are multilingual because it’s good for business. Just by being able to speak Spanish means that you can connect with even more customers and that drives the business. Any occupation that involves communications, tourism, or international trade are just a few employment opportunities available for multilinguists.

You Can Travel

You can travel anywhere and not know a single word in any other language than your own. But that’s just boring! Imagine going to a restaurant in Barcelona and you have to type in your order in Google Translate on very poor WiFi signal before you can show the waiter what you want to eat. You don’t want to wait twice as long for your food. Another thing is that you get to understand the people and make new friends. Multilingual travelers have the most fun!

Have I convinced you yet? If you need more convincing, then check out this article.

Leave a comment telling us:

  1. What motivated you to start learning Spanish?
  2. How do you plan to learn Spanish?


Berlitz. (2023, February 5). The most spoken languages in the world.  https://www.berlitz.com/blog/mostspoken-languages-world


  1. 1. I wanted to learn Spanish so I can become a translator in the future.
    2. I plan to learn Spanish by attending classes and doing my own reading. I also plan to use Duolingo.


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