Lección Uno: The Spanish Alphabet

The alphabet is one of the first things you should master as a beginner.

The Spanish alphabet, called “Abecedario or Alfabeto  has 27 letters, and it is very similar to the English alphabet with a few differences in pronunciation.

Look at the image below for the pronunciations (in parentheses):

To further help with pronunciation, here are some additional details:

  • A is pronounced as "ah", like in "father".

  • B is pronounced as "beh", like in "baby".
  • C is pronounced as "seh" when followed by an "e" or "i", and as "keh" when followed by any other vowel or a consonant. For example, "ciudad" is pronounced "see-you-dahd" and "carro" is pronounced "ka-rroh".
  • D is pronounced as "deh", like in "day".
  • E is pronounced as "eh", like in "bet".
  • F is pronounced as "eh-feh".
  • G is pronounced as "heh" when followed by an "e" or "i", and as "geh" when followed by any other vowel or a consonant. For example, "gato" is pronounced "gah-toh" and "generoso" is pronounced "heh-neh-roh-soh".
  • H is always silent in Spanish and is only used to indicate a different pronunciation for "c" and "g" when followed by "e" or "i".
  • I is pronounced as "ee", like in "see".
  • J is pronounced as "hota", with a strong "h" sound, like in "hello".
  • K is not a native letter of the Spanish alphabet, and it's mainly used in loanwords from other languages.
  • L is pronounced as "eh-leh", like in "let".
  • M is pronounced as "eh-meh", like in "met".
  • N is pronounced as "eh-neh", like in "net".
  • Ñ is pronounced as "eh-nyeh", with a sound similar to the "ny" in "canyon".
  • O is pronounced as "oh", like in "go".
  • P is pronounced as "peh", like in "pay".
  • Q is always followed by a "u" and is pronounced as "coo".
  • R is pronounced as "eh-reh", with a rolling sound made by the tongue on the roof of the mouth.
  • S is pronounced as "eh-seh", like in "set".
  • T is pronounced as "teh", like in "tea".
  • U is pronounced as "oo", like in "food".
  • V is pronounced as "veh", like in "very".
  • W is not a native letter of the Spanish alphabet, and it's mainly used in loanwords from other languages.
  • X is pronounced as "eh-kis", like in "extra".
  • Y is called "i griega" and is pronounced as "ee gree-eh-gah", like in "yesterday".
  • Z is pronounced as "zeta", like in "zero".

There is much more to learn about the alphabet in Spanish and we will certainly make use of this content in future lessons.

Leave a comment responding to the following:
  1. Can you name a letter in the Spanish alphabet that doesn't exist in the English alphabet?
  2. What are two real life situations in which you might need this knowledge?


Canta Conjess. (2020). SPANISH ALPHABET: Names of Spanish Letters and How to Pronounce them [Photograph]. https://cantaconjess.com/spanish-alphabet. https://cantaconjess.cdn.prismic.io/cantaconjess/c23d5d04-7402-467d-879e-03ae4d377b96_Spanish+Alphabet+Chart.pdf


  1. 1. The letter "ñ" is not in the English alphabet.
    2. Two real life situations include: one where someone asks you to spell your name at the doctor's office and another where someone asks you to spell a word.


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